Painless Root Canal Treatment
Our tooth is made up of three layers. ENAMEL, DENTIN, & PULP. The pulp contains all the blood vessels and nerves. On the other hand, our tooth is sounded by millions of bacteria. Once the food is stuck to any surface of the tooth caused destruction of enamel followed by dentin and then pulp. Once it reaches the pulp it causes pain and also can form abscess if ignored. A dental abscess is extremely painful. To treat this infection of the pulp and the abscess your dentist creates a hole in your teeth and cleans all the infection with very fine instruments and refill it with an artificial pulp known as gutta purchase. It can take two to three sitting at the dental office. At the dream smile dental spa best dental clinic in south Delhi, your root canal is done by experts using all the ultra Morden instruments which makes your dental experience much comfortable and painless also less time-consuming. All the process is done under LOCAL ANAESTHESIA ONLY ONCE INJECTED.
The dream smile dental spa provides absolutely painless and comfortable treatment.